We started out from St Thomas on our Saba 50 on the 21st and had ENE 20-28 kts with gusts to 31 kts as we motored to Maho Bay on day 1 and Prickly Pear Island, North Sound on day 2, followed by two lovely days of ENE 16-20 winds for the sail to Anegada on day 4 and back to VG on day 5, then a pleasant ENE 13-15 kt downwind run to the Rhone and The Indians on day 6. Day 7 was a calm NE 4-6 kts as we motored to Ensenada Honda, Culebra. Winds stayed light on Day 8 as we visited Culebrita and Bahia de Almodovar. Day 9 was NE 8 kts for a motorsail to Bahia de la Chiva, Vieques. Seeing the longterm forecast, we decided to head back to St John on day 10 (Friday) and motorsailed in ENE 5-10 kts to Salt Pond Bay which also gave us an excellent view of the Full Moon rising. Been there since as we wait for this weather to pass. I saw perhaps one boat at Lameshur and Salt Pond Bay last Sunday - now the 5 mooring balls in Salt Pond have been full since Saturday with several boats passing by looking for a mooring. AIS shows several boats at Lameshur.
Winds went South yesterday and we had some chop in the bay. With the southerly wind shift the water temperature in Salt Pond Bay peaked at 84.4°F, about 2°F higher than on Friday or today when the winds started veering from the West.
Feeling a bit stir-crazy tied to the same mooring for 2-1/2 days with another day to go, but glad we were at least able to cover 275 nm in the first 10 days and catch & release 11 fish (6 pain-in-the-butt lure chewing barricuda, 2 cero mackeral, 3 bonito). This has also given us time to tend to some boat projects.
Heard on the VHF that a mooring ball at Lameshur broke loose with a boat attached yesterday. No details other than a bad shackle on the mooring. The boat is apparently safe.