I actually hate the word "normal". But I will try to respond to this anyway. By "normal' if you mean when will the area be like it was before September 2017? The answer is never. The kind of event that we all went through, two cat five hurricanes in two weeks changes every thing. Nothing will ever be exactly the same. Some businesses with thrive, some will fail and some will just hang on. Places like Bomba's for example seem doomed. The Willy T's seems posed for a comeback but with descriptions like bigger and better it could easily become a watered down commercialized version of itself. Some would like that better some would not. Other businesses will spring up from the ashes. The inevitable march of time and change will be the only normal for some time.
Having said that the Virgin Islands are still one of the most beautiful places on the planet. The opportunity to spend some time in a less crowed Virgin Islands should not be missed. I would assume from the OP's comments the underlying question is when should we come back? That is a much simpler question. Come back now or at least as soon as you can work it out. There are boats available. The sailing and water are as spectacular as ever. The businesses that are open will welcome you. The crowds are down and you can feel good about supporting the industry that a lot of us make a living at. You might also find that a simpler experience with more quality time and less stuff is good for the soul.
So think of this as the "new normal". Great sailing, a few less tourist traps and a spectacular destination.
Last edited by CaptainJay; 02/21/2018 08:38 PM.