In the Caribbean, unless it is something REALLY, really specific, or a trip to a different island, it's basically always cheaper and way better to do a trip yourself, versus cruise ship tours. Think about it, the cruise ship tours, the ship gets a cut and then the provider also gets paid. Cut out the cruise ship markup and you get a much more personalized tour, for cheaper, and better. Other places around the world, where there are security issues, perhaps do cruise ship tours, but not in the Caribbean.
I absolutely 100% agree with you on the price aspect. My wife and I have trotted off on our own and done our own shore excursions in places where many would shake their heads- including Ukraine (when it was still part of the Soviet Union) and Ushuaia, Argentina and Ketchikan, Alaska. We saved a bunch of money and got great tours.
But here is the caveat. If you are on your own and your excursion is delayed on its return, the ship
will leave without you. This is true in the Caribbean or anywhere else. We've seen it happen. On the PA.... "will passengers xxx please call extension yyy...we are departing in 5 minutes".
You simply have to ask yourself if you are prepared to buy airfare to the next cruise port, probably after a hotel night and hiring a water-taxi to the nearest place with air service, or whatever it takes to rejoin your cruise. I'm not saying not to do it, and we have and will do it again. But there is a Vegas aspect to it.

Just didn't want the OP's peeps to think there was no downside to this.
PS- And this is the best reason to charter your own boat and be your own skipper- it never leaves without you!