Thank you all for the comments. As Ernest Hemingway said, "never write about a place until you're away from it, because that gives you perspective". Perhaps I'm still in need of some time to be more appreciative of the island, people and places. And I'm an engineer so I try to present the "facts, and nothing but the facts" in my reviews.

I / we did have a good time. It was our honeymoon and I got to spend it with the most beautiful woman on the island.

Mary doesn't care for seafood or beef so chicken or vegetable dishes are her preference. That limits restaurants that we choose so that she doesn't end up eating salad for every meal. We missed out on some, were amazed by others and disappointed by a few. Sounds like anyplace that has a good choice of eating establishments.

It was also the slow season so ability to impress may have been tempered by staff, food quality and choices available.

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