Hi all, Itinerary is pretty locked down but always open to change based on weather, conditions. As always with a 7 day charter, we are struggling to figure out what destinations to leave out.
Currently we are staying one night in Leverick Bay on the slip (for Friday BBQ), the sailing up to Anegada the next day (where we are renting a truck from Dean). One day on Anegada and then where planning to head to Marina Cay via the dogs for a snorkel.
We are now thinking that we should sail back to North Sound and moor off of Saba Rock. Advantages, Saba rock is pretty cool and last year we only spent a couple of hours, close to Eustasia sound to check out some nice snorkeling. Could even rent some water toys from BEYC. Sunset cocktails off of Saba rock.
Advantages to heading to Marina Cay, never been, snorkeling at Marina Cay, snorkeling at Diamond Cay, dinghy to Trellis, Scrub Island�.
Witch would you do?
Thanks T-7 days to wheels up!
<img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/Banana.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/Banana.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/Banana.gif" alt="" />