This was our yearly quest for sunshine and warmth – leaving the cooler Alaskan climate for the tropics. We have spent the last 4 years exploring the Southern Caribbean, and decided it was time to head back to the BVI. Our last time there – June of 2005. Here is a fairly brief report to document the great fun that was had… Wish we were there right now!
June 16 – Left Alaska, flew to SEA; LAX; SJU; and then right into EIS. There really is no easy way from the West Coast – add Alaska to the mix, and you have quite the journey. Arrived in Tortola on the 17th, and stayed at Nanny Cay Hotel for 2 nights. Unfortunately, the rolling duffel decided to take a longer route than we did. No suitcase – meaning all of my hubby’s clothing, and all of my sunscreen, good shampoos and moisturizer. Oh – oh… First night, dinner at Peg Leg’s. Yummy drinks too! Ahhh – good to be back.
June 18 – Our friend, Kathi, flew into STT – so we hopped on the ferry out of West End, picked her up at the airport, and hopped back over to West End. While we were hoping to wait out the bag issue (glass half full attitude), I ended up quite sunburned just on the ferry ride. OK – time to buy sunscreen (even if it is $20 a can and less spf than I usually buy). Larry broke down and bought one t-shirt and a pair of swimtrunks. Jolly Roger for dinner – yum, our first lobster! Torrential rain that night – no sitting on the dock like we love to do.
June 19 – Well – good news – the bag arrived! We had breakfast at Gennaker (still rainy). At check out, we dropped our bags off at the marina, then back into Road Town for shopping and lunch. The rain stopped – yay! Time to go to the boat – Hodges Creek Marina, Tradewinds Cruise Club.
Our boat: Coral Dreams
Crew: Andy & Lou
June 20 – After breakfast, we took off to the Baths, a favorite spot of ours. We wandered through the caves, and took the path to Devil’s Bay, such a gorgeous spot! Always great fun! Anchored at Savannah for the night – beautiful spot, and our first time up close and personal with Savannah. We know this won’t be our last time here, since after sailing we will be back to Virgin Gorda for a land based part of our trip.
June 21 – Off to the Dogs for the first dive – the airplane wreck. Lunch was at Mountain Point for some wonderful food and a swim stop. After everyone was refreshed and full, we moved on to Leverick Bay, North Sound. I had the pleasure of introducing some Bushwacker first timers to the drink – Michelle & Colleen seemed to enjoy them, as did I! The bushwacker quest continues…
June 22 - After breakfast, we headed back to the Dogs for another dive. Unfortunately, we were not there early enough – the inn was full. We hung waiting for a mooring to open up, but alas, gave up. Enjoyed sailing for awhile, then went to Marina Cay for lunch and swimming. Got the kayak out and kayaked around the area, then back on the boat and over to Scrub Island for the afternoon and night. Scrub was great! What a refreshing pool and lovely facilities. Dinner was delicious (lobster thermidore – 2nd lobster of the trip). Very enjoyable evening, and a great stop.
June 23 – We left the dock in the morning, and went to Monkey Point, Guana. Oh my goodness – we have not been to Monkey Point before. I had NO IDEA what we were missing. That had to be my favorite! Amazing underwater life – wow. Time for the sail to Jost. The plan was to spend the night at Sandy Spit by Jost. However, Alex (the storm) was coming in about that time… Change of plans. We spent the night at Little Harbor on a mooring. Did visit Sydneys, and bought a new t-shirt. Very rocky & wet night!
June 24 – Our anniversary! Time to set sail for Soper’s Hole. We enjoyed a stop at Soper’s looking around the cute, colorful stores and stocking up on BVI Seasoned Sea Salt (a favorite). Late lunch at The Caves – and snorkeling too… The guys went for a dive. They said it was a great one. Moved the boat around the corner into the Bight for the night. Another wet night. Great dinner, and Lou made us a cake for our anniversary for dessert – black forest cake, very yummy…
June 25 – Today is the last day on the boat – boo hoo. Always a sad day, and it sure does go quickly! We set sail for a dive at The Rhone. Amazing things were seen around every corner this time. Larry has dove the Rhone several times, but this was his best trip yet – big turtle, ray, eel, and lots of fish! It certainly was rocky and rolly at the dive site. Fun to be in the water, but I stayed close to the boat this time. Once the divers were done, we took off for Cooper Island. We had a late lunch, and then took the dinghy over to work on the Bushwacker quest. Yep – they have good ones too! Sailed back to Hodges Creek around 5ish, and dinner at Pusser’s East. Food was great, painkillers were great, and service was pretty good too considering they had several large groups! A fun trip was had by all…
Andy has a tradition on the last night during dinner… He asks each person 3 things (and you have to give one specific answer).
Favorite moment? Snorkeling with the hundreds of Sgt Majors at Monkey Point – priceless!
Favorite food? Rum Fudge Pie
Favorite location? Monkey Point