We own multiple weeks on SXM and have for many years and still lOVE our timeshare.
That said, it's the last thing I would buy in today's world. As has been said, no legal protections and ever-increasing and sky-rocketing annual fees at too many of the timeshare properties make owning not worth much unless you really want to own a specific week in a specific room at a specific resort and if that's the case and if you can find one that meets those parameters - go for it.
If you're patient you can get some great resales through eBay. We bought a one bedroom unit with an incredible view for US $12.00 and the seller paid the transfers.
Sometimes you can even run across owners giving them away for free. We gave one back to our resort last year just to be done with the annual AMFs knowing we wouldn't be using it for at least a year or two.
My one piece of advice would be think long and hard before you do it and be absolutely certain you won't change your mind and end up with regrets down the road. Again, I love my three weeks and have no regret! But many I know don't feel the same way. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />