GeorgeC1 said:
I doubt it's a specific attack on bareboats BVI. It's a typical virus attack where your server got infected and the virus is trying to spread itself via your address book. You probably should isolate the system from the internet until you get a IT guy in to clean everything. Any personal data for you or customers may have been compromised. That is the usual point of this type of attack. Sad world we live in where you have people who do this kind of garbage.
The messages are not being sent to my client list or my address book and my computer is fine. I have several firewalls set up and it (my computer) has already been checked over.
The messages were (and still are) being sent worldwide to travel agencies, other yacht charter companies, hotels and anyone in the hospitality industry.
I have spent the entire day responding to people who "think" they are responding to me. This is one of the messages sent ... but it is changed (slightly) to suit the particular business the spammer is sending to:
Can you please quote the attached for us,a group of 8 people (All adult) are going on vacation on a yacht
Kindly quote us your best price as this is for our repeating client.
Hope to hear from you soon.
I have received phone calls from travel agencies, hotels, insurance companies, livery houses, air charter services, and yacht charter companies (I have never dealt with) in Singapore, Laos, Islamabad, Portugal, England, France, the Maldives, Canada, the U.S. ... and the list goes on. They also sent a raft of emails to people in various businesses in the BVI.
If this isn't an attack on Bareboats BVI, I really don't know what to make of it. I have had over 3,000 undeliverable (bounceback) messages since 7:00 am, untold phone calls and emails from people asking me to resend my message in PDF format because they can't open the attachment.
I have been busy all day deleting the "undeliverable" messages and trying to respond to all emails sent by those who were taken in by the scam and wrote back to me.
I haven't come across any client emails at all. I am still ploughing through the dross.
I have also been deleting all the messages online before they get to my email programme on my computer.
Just another day in paradise!